10 Interesting Facts about the Book Milkweed

Facts about The Book Milkweed tell you about the popular historical fiction novel for the young adult. It was written by Jerry Spinelli, the American author. The book was published in 2003.  This book is very interesting to read if you want to know the life of a boy in Warsaw during the Holocaust in World War II. Find out more facts about Book Milkweed below:

Facts about The Book Milkweed 1: living on the street

This boy depicted in the Book Milkweed had to live on the street and avoid the German troops. The Jewish group of orphans took him with them.

Facts about The Book Milkweed 2: the narrator

The Book Milkweed was narrated by the boy in the future. He talked about his past story when he had to deal his life during the Holocaust.

Book Milkweed Facts

Book Milkweed Facts

Facts about the Book Milkweed 3: Doctor Korczak

Doctor Korczak was one of the minor characters in the story. Actually he is based on a real person, Janusz Korczak. But this book is still included as a historical fiction novel. In this book, he was described as a kind hearted and caring man. He took care the orphans. He had a goatee and mustache. But his head was bald.

Facts about The Book Milkweed 4: the Holocaust discussion

Book Milkweed got a lot of popularity after it was published in 2003.  This book is often used to create the discussion about the Holocaust by the English teachers.

Book Milkweed Image

Book Milkweed Image

Facts about The Book Milkweed 5: the setting

Let’s find out the setting of Book Milkweed. It was depicted in Warsaw, Poland during the World War II. If you like classic story, check out facts about Canterbury Tales here.

Facts about The Book Milkweed 6: the main character

The main character in the book is unnamed. He was called with different names during the story. He was called Misha by his guardian, Uri.

Book Milkweed Pic

Book Milkweed Pic

Facts about The Book Milkweed 7: the rights

The right for publishing in Milkweed was acquired by Orchard Books in United Kingdom. Before, the publication of Milkweed, the Stargirl of Jerry Spinelli was sold in 15,000 pieces.

Facts about The Book Milkweed 8: the awards

In 2003, Spinelli was awarded Carolyn W. Field Award for Fiction. In 2004, he received Golden Kite Award for Fiction.

Facts about the Book Milkweed

Facts about the Book Milkweed

Facts about The Book Milkweed 9: the symbolism

If you check out this novel, you can find out the symbolism of milkweed pods and angels. There are some people who estimate that the milkweed means the existence, survival and caring for others. Find out another book in Great Gatsby facts.

Facts about the Book Milkweed 10: Ron Rifkin

Ron Rifkin was a man who read the audio version of Milkweed in 2003. He was praised by the critic.



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