10 Interesting Facts about the Large Intestine

Here I will tell you facts about the Large Intestine which maybe will make you want to read. The Intestine System is one part if the digestive system. Especially it as the last part of the system. Water absorbed in this intestine so that only the remained waste material which found only as feces. So that the water wouldn’t find in feces. Here are facts about the Large Intestine which need you to know.

Facts about the Large Intestine 1 : Terminologia Anatomica, Medscape, and Gray’s Anatomy

By the Termonilogia Anatomica, Medscape, and Gray’s Anatomy set the large intestine compose in combination. The combination are between cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal.

Facts about the Large Intestine 2 : Size

It has the largest size than to others intestine. The length of this intestine is 1.5 metres (4.9 ft). It has one-fifth length of the intestinal canal length.

Facts 2 Diagram of Large Intestine

Facts 2 Diagram of Large Intestine

Facts about the Large Intestine 3 : Structure

Large intestine known as colon. It has some section on it, such as ascending colon, transverse colon, the cecum and vermiform appendix, transverse mesocolon, descending colon, and the sigmoid colon. Find more facts about the Hopi Tribe here

Facts about the Large Intestine 4 : Flora-aided

In the colon there is a flora-aided or some bacterial which has function to help the process of unabsorbed. The bacterial has to fermented the unabsorbed material which will remove into the appendix.

Facts 4 Large Intestine

Facts 4 Large Intestine

Facts about the Large Intestine 5 : Blood Supply

The blood supplied to the colon from the arterial supply which become branches of the superior mesenteric astery (SMA) and the inferior mesentric artery (IMA). The blood runs parallel to the colon via the marginal artery because it consist in two system communications.

Facts about the Large Intestine 6 : Redundant Colon

It as the abnormal condition when colon occurs with in extra loops form. The length is five metres longer than the normal length. But it has no direct effect of the health consequences. Find more facts about the Hoover Dam here

Facts 6 Dickdarm Schema

Facts 6 Dickdarm Schema

Facts about the Large Intestine 7 : Function

The digestive process in the large intestine takes 16 hours to finish. The main process is absorbed the water and any remaining absorbable nutrients of the food and then it send to the rectum.

Facts about the Large Intestine 8 : Absorbed Materials

Between the water, there are also other materials which absorbed by the large intestine. The materials such as vitamin K, vitamin B12, riboflavin, and thiamine.

Facts 8 Slide of Large Intestine

Facts 8 Slide of Large Intestine

Facts about the Large Intestine 9 : Bacterial Flora

Colon become the houses over to 700 species of bacteria which has the variety functions on human body. The bacterial which found in large intestine such as bacteroides to initiation of colitics and colon cancer. Also Bifidobacteria which described as friendly bacteria.

Facts about the Large Intestine 10 : Disease

Every part of human body has the potential on being attacked by the disease. Some disease are indicated as the colon disease, including diarrhea, constipation, ileus, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, etc.

Facts 10 Illustration of Large Intestine

Facts 10 Illustration of Large Intestine

Those are facts about the Large Intestine which need you to know, hopefully these can be the interesting facts for you to read.

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