10 Interesting Pennsylvania Facts

Let’s learn about Pennsylvania facts! This state has a lot of things to offer. It was in Philadelphia where the first daily newspaper was published for the first time. This city has been a home to the first computer in the world. If you want to visit the Black Cheery Capital in the world, you need to make a visit to The Borough of Kane.

1.Jimmy Stewart

Let’s see the first point of Pennsylvania facts with the famous actor Jimmy Stewart. He is the man who was born and grew in Indiana. The fame of this man has affected the downtown area in the city. Every Christmas, the local people will adorn the area by applying theme found in his movie called as It’s A Wonderful Life.

Pennsylvania facts: Jimmy Stewart

Pennsylvania facts: Jimmy Stewart


2.The Liberty Tunnel

The Liberty Tunnel is considered as the longest ventilated automotive tunnel in the world. The facility has the length measuring at 5,700 feet. It was initially opened for public at Pittsburg.

Pennsylvania facts: Philadelhpia

Pennsylvania facts: Philadelhpia


3.The State College Area High School

One of the famous schools in Pennsylvania is called as the State College Area High School. It was built in 1958 intended to teach the people about the driver education.

Pennsylvania facts: KDKA radio

Pennsylvania facts: KDKA radio


4.Bob Hoffman of York

Another famous person coming from Pennsylvania is Bob Hoffman of York. This man is considered as the father of weight lifting. He likes to do the activity in York barbell corp. This man is also a philanthropist, businessman and Unites States Olympic coach.

Pennsylvania facts: Bob Hoffman of York

Pennsylvania facts: Bob Hoffman of York


5.The first coal festival

One of the interesting events in Pennsylvania is called as coal festival the fist festival was dated at 01 years after “Peter’s Camp” on Memorial weekend 1993 located in Blossbug was constructed.

Pennsylvania facts: Penn Township

Pennsylvania facts: Penn Township


6.Penn Township

When you make a visit to Pennsylvania, probably you will be impressed with Penn Township. The official name is Township of Penn. The name of this town is derived from the founder of Pennsylvania called as William Penn.

Pennsylvania facts: philadelphia visitors

Pennsylvania facts: philadelphia visitors


7.Drake Well Museum

If you want to learn about an aspect of Pennsylvania, you may need to go to Drake Well Museum. It is located on Titusville. The museum is famous because it was the location where Edwin L. Drake drilled the first oil well in the world in 1859. He then released the modern petroleum industry in the world.

Pennsylvania facts: Drake Well Museum

Pennsylvania facts: Drake Well Museum


8.Johann Behrent

The eighth point of Pennsylvania facts is about Johann Behrent. This man is the person who has created the first piano in Unites states in 1775 in Philadelphia. He called the piano under the name of Piano Forte.

Pennsylvania facts: Johann Behrent

Pennsylvania facts: Johann Behrent


9.Benjamin Franklin

Th people who want to enjoy the first public zoo ever established in US may need to go Philadelphia zoo. It was founded by Benjamin Franklin. You can also visit the first zoological garden located in Philadelphia after visiting the zoo. It was opened since July 1874.

Pennsylvania facts: Philadelphia zoo

Pennsylvania facts: Philadelphia zoo



Pittsburg is one of the most prominent cities in Pennsylvania. It is famous because of the production of steel. This city also has professional football team under the name of Pittsburgh Steelers. In the city, the first commercial radio broadcast called as KDKA radio was created.

Pennsylvania facts: Pittsburgh

Pennsylvania facts: Pittsburgh


Have you teased by the magnificence of this state through the facts about Pennsylvania above?


One Response to 10 Interesting Pennsylvania Facts
  1. John says:

    Check out No 3.

    State College High School started teaching drivers ed. in the mid 1930’s as the first “official” drivers ed. class. Some other schools taught drivers ed. but it was not “official”.
    The new at the time high school was finished in the 1958 time period. The drivers ed. class room had a little plaque on the wall stating this about drivers ed. I being a know all teenager never read it and got that question wrong. That was 50 years ago.

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