10 Interesting Facts about the Hudson River

Let me tell you some facts about the Hudson River which maybe give you several information due to the this river. The Hudson River is a river which flows from the north to the south which primarily to the eastern New York in the United States. It has 315 mile (507 km) in length. It flows through the Hudson Valley, then it drains into the Atlantic Ocean in the New York City and North Jersey. Here are facts about the Hudson River which need you to know below.

Facts about the Hudson River 1 : Hudson Fjord

It has the lower half of river which a tidal estuary. It occupied the Hudson Fjord which was formed during to the glaciation of North American glaciation.

Facts about the Hudson River 2 : Named

This river named after it founded by Englishman which fishing for the Dutch East India Company, Henry Hudson. Hudson found it when he was explored it in 1609. Find more facts about the Hajj here

Facts 2 Discovery of Hudson River

Facts 2 Discovery of Hudson River

Facts about the Hudson River 3 : Inspiration of Washington Irving

The river valley and inhabitant became the inspiration of the Washington Irving. It occurred during the 18th century. Also this area inspired to the Hudson River School.

Facts about the Hudson River 4 : Source

The Hudson River has the source of water from Lake Tear of the Clouds in Adirondack Park. The altitude is on 4,322 feet. This river not called the Hudson River until the miles of downstream.

Facts 4 Bear Mountain Bridge

Facts 4 Bear Mountain Bridge

Facts about the Hudson River 5 : Watershed

The lower of Hudson River has a tidal estuary. Then the Federal Dam at Troy has the influence of the tidal. Then the watershed is need because the tidal make difficulties during the activities of the people around the river. Find more facts about the Han Dynasty here

Facts about the Hudson River 6 : Geology

The river mostly called as the drowned river. The sea levels increase during the Wisconsin glaciation. The glaciation resulted the marine incursion which drowned into the coastal plain that brought the salt water in the mouth of the river.

Facts 6 Battery Park City

Facts 6 Battery Park City

Facts about the Hudson River 7 : Transportation

The Erie Canal as the transportation on connect the Hudson with Lake Erie. The New York State Canal become the main transportation of the Hudson River. Then the important transportation is railroad by first opened is Mohawk and Hudson Railroad which opened in 1831.

Facts about the Hudson River 8 : Crossings

The Hudson River is crossed by bridges, tunnels, and ferries. The main bridge in Hudson River are the George Washington and Tappan Zee bridges. The tunnels near the river include the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels.

Facts 6 Interstate of New York

Facts 6 Interstate of New York

Facts about the Hudson River 9 : Pollution

The high pollution in this river is the affected of the General Electric’s contamination. The river polluted by polyclorinated biphenyls (PCBs) just between 1947-1977. This pollution become the harmful effects to the live of wildlife inside the river.

Facts about the Hudson River 10 : Attractive Railroads

The Hudson River provide the attractive for railroads. In the 1845, The Troy and Greenbush Railroad was chartered and it opened in the same year. This railroad become one of the main transportation on the Hudson River.

Facts 10 George Washington Bridge

Facts 10 George Washington Bridge

Those are facts about the Hudson River, hopefully that facts will give you important information for you to keep.

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