Let’s improve the knowledge about America by reading the Alabama facts. Alabama is a nice place that you can visit. If you want see the highest point of the state, you can go to Cheaha Mountain. It is measured 2,405 feet above the sea level. Alabama is notorious with its rocket capital called as Huntsville. If you want know more about the Alabama facts, you need to see the following list.
1.Nathaniel Adams
There are some notorious people coming from Alabama. I believe that you do recognize Nathaniel Adams. Some people call is as Nat King. This man was a great singer and entertainer who was born and died in Montgomery. He can sing as if he had velvet voice.
The second point of Alabama facts tells us about the Montgomery. This interesting place has been the witness of many inventions and events. The first electric trolley system was first used in Alabama especially at Montgomery in 1886. One of the famous events located in this place is the Confederate States of America.
The industry in Alabama has grown from time to time. Most natural resources found in this state will be used to support the industry of steel and iron. That’s why Alabama is famous as the one of the largest industries in term of steel pipe and cast iron.
4.Mardi Gras
The fourth point of Alabama facts informs you about Mardi Grass. This celebration has been introduced to the world. If you want to know this event, you should go here on Shrove Tuesday especially at the day before Lent was started.
5.Washington Academy
There are some schools in Alabama in Mobile. Some of them include on Huntsville Green Academy. It was established in 1812. The Washington Academy is the other example. It was found in1811.
6.Fort McClellan
If you make a visit in Alabama, You should go to Fort McClellan. In this city, you can see the US Army Chemical Corps Museum. It is a house of more than 4,000 chemical warfare artifacts.
7.Boll Weevil Monument
The Boll Weevil Monument is famous across the nation. It will be such a miss if you cannot go to town of Enterprise to view the monument in details. This landmark is appreciated to memorize the role of the insect to make the farmers at that time cultivate cotton.
8.Dr. Luther Leonidas Hill
Dr. Luther Leonidas Hill is a famous name in scientific study. He was the first man who performed an open heart surgery located in Montgomery, Alabama in 1902. We just do not know where the surgical procedure was successful or not. Can you tell me?
9.Hall of History
Hall of History is the other attraction that you can have in Alabama. It is situated in Bessemer. One of the important collections that you can see is the type writer of Hitler. It was found in a mountain and now it is displayed in Hall of History.
The last point of Alabama facts is about rocket. The first rocket constructed to send the human being to walk and reach the moon was made by the Alabama workers. What an unbelievable facts!
Which facts about Alabama do you like most?