Manatee facts: body weight of manatee

10 Interesting Manatee Facts

In: Animals
Post On: January 12, 2012
By: admin2

If you are in love with water animal, it is better for you to check the Manatee facts below. This animal is believed to have lived for about 60 years. Most of the Manatee species..

Puffer fish facts: master of fugu dishes

10 Interesting Puffer Fish Facts

In: Animals
Post On: January 7, 2012
By: admin2

One of the most interesting puffer fish facts that you have probably recognize is the ability of the fish to transform the body like a ball. You have seen such ability on some movies or..

Clown fish facts: Yellow-Percula-Clown

10 Interesting Clown Fish Facts

In: Animals
Post On: January 3, 2012
By: admin2

In this post I will give you more information related to the clown fish facts. Clown fish is so popular after the hit of the movie Finding Nemo. Have you watched the movie? That’s really..

Bottlenose dolphin facts: baby bottlenose dolphin

10 Interesting bottlenose dolphin facts

In: Animals
Post On: December 29, 2011
By: admin2

In this post, you will have the opportunity to enhance your knowledge about the bottlenose dolphin facts. Bottlenose dolphin is an animal that will interest you much. It is big and cute to see. You..

Kangaroo facts: eastern grey kangaroo

10 Interesting Kangaroo Facts

In: Animals
Post On: December 23, 2011
By: admin2

If you love to know more information about the marsupial animals, it is better for you read the whole kangaroo facts below. Kangaroo is an animal which can be found lived in some regions like..

Sea turtle facts: unique sea turtle

10 Interesting Sea turtle Facts

In: Animals
Post On: December 21, 2011
By: admin2

This article is great for the people who want to learn much about the sea turtle facts. Turtles are characterized as the animals which can deliver the quality of wisdom and patience. These animals have..

Zebra facts: a couple of zebra

10 Interesting Zebra Facts

In: Animals
Post On: December 18, 2011
By: admin2

In this post, I will explain much about the zebra facts that you may need to know as beneficial information to enlarge your knowledge about zoology. Zebra is an interesting animal. It is so notorious..

Monkey facts: wedding monkey

10 Interesting Monkey Facts

In: Animals
Post On: December 17, 2011
By: admin2

This post presents you with 10 interesting monkey facts. Monkeys are nice and cute animal. Most of them like to eat banana. Even though they are not as popular as a dog or cat, some..

Wolf facts: Gray Wolf

10 Interesting Wolf Facts

In: Animals
Post On: December 15, 2011
By: admin2

In this animal edition, you will get some information related to the wolf facts. Wolf is a wild animal. In some movies and myth, it is always associated with the mysterious werewolf for wolf like..

Seahorse facts: Pygmy seahorse

10 Interesting Seahorse Facts

In: Animals
Post On: December 13, 2011
By: admin2

In this post, you may gain some information related to the seahorse facts. This animal is considered as the best dad in the kingdom of animal. Why we should call it like that is because..