Category Archives: Countries
10 Interesting Facts about Ukraine
Those who love to travel around the world might take one of these following facts about Ukraine really important to read. Ukraine is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, with all its history and scenery. It’s bordered with many countries on four sides of winds. On east and northeast, it’s bordered by Russian Federation; on west and northwest, by Belarus, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary; on the southwest by Moldova; on the south Read More ... »
10 Interesting Facts about Costa Rica
These following facts about Costa Rica might make you want to visit this country. If you have enough time to travel around the world, then Costa Rica is going to be one of your favorite country to visit on your list. Costa Rica, as you know, is a country in Central America, which is bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east. To get to know more about it, below are other Read More ... »