10 Interesting Facts about UCF

One of these facts about UCF might be one of the most important information you need if you want to continue your study into college. UCF, as you know, is a metropolitan public research university which is located in Orlando, Florid, United States. This university is a member institution of the State University System of Florida, and it is the second-largest university in the United States by enrollment. It was authorized by the Florida State Legislature in 1963, and opened in 1968 as Florida Technological University, with the mission of providing personnel to support the growing U.S. space program at the Kennedy Space Center. To get to know more about it, here are some other facts about UCF you might like to know.

Facts about UCF 1: Space-grant University

UCF is a space-grant university and has made noted research contributions to optics, modeling and simulation, digital media, engineering and computer science, business administration, education, hospitality management, and the arts. It is considered the 14th-best up-and-coming national university by U.S. News & World Report.

Facts about UCF 2: Official Colors and Logo

UCF’s official colors are black and gold and the university logo is a Pegasus, which symbolizes the university’s vision of limitless possibilities.

Facts about UCF - UCF Logo

Facts about UCF – UCF Logo

Facts about UCF 3: Intercolligiate

The university’s intercollegiate sports teams, commonly known by their “UCF Knights” nickname and represented by mascot Knightro, compete in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I and the American Athletic Conference (The American).

Facts about UCF 4: Main Campus

The University of Central Florida has a unique campus layout that has become a model for other universities, reminiscent of the plans by Walt Disney for his Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow (EPCOT). The campus was designed to be a pedestrian oriented campus, with a series of concentric circles.

Facts about UCF - College of Sciences

Facts about UCF – College of Sciences

Facts about UCF 5: Regional Campus

In addition to the main campus in Orlando, The University of Central Florida has several other campuses to service the central Florida region. In Orlando, there are three other campuses, located in Downtown, Valencia West, and South Orlando, as well as partnerships with local colleges.

Facts about UCF 6: Academics

The University of Central Florida is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools according to the U.S. Department of Education. UCF’s academic calendar is based on the semester system, with the typical fall semester running from the end of August until the beginning of December, and the typical spring semester running from the beginning of January through the beginning of May.

Facts about UCF - Engineering Center

Facts about UCF – Engineering Center

Facts about UCF 7: Student Profile

UCF’s student body consists of 50,968 undergraduates and 9,213 graduate and professional students from all 67 Florida counties, all 50 states and 141 countries. Study abroad programs allow UCF students to study and conduct research in 42 programs in 21 countries.

Facts about UCF 8: Rankings

In 2013, U.S. News & World Report ranked as the fifth-best “Up-and-Coming” national university.In addition, U.S. News & World Report ranked The University of Central Florida 97th among public universities and 174th overall on the list of Tier I National Universities.

Facts about UCF - Pond

Facts about UCF – Pond

Facts about UCF 9: Admission

As a result of an increasing number of students applying to the university each year, UCF’s admission rate for first-time-in-college freshmen has declined from 61% of prospective students admitted in the Fall of 2005, to 42% for Fall 2012.

Facts about UCF 10: Schools

The university currently houses twelve colleges that offer 90 baccalaureate programs, 87 master’s programs, 31 doctoral programs, programs, three specialist programs, and one professional program (Medicine). In addition, 75% of the faculty have doctorate degrees, and 46% currently have tenure at the university.The twelve college house 41 separate degree-granting departments and schools.

Facts about UCF - Teaching Academy

Facts about UCF – Teaching Academy

Hope you would find those UCF facts really interesting and useful for your educational information.

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