10 Interesting Facts about The Brooklyn Bridge

Those are the following facts about The Brooklyn Bridge which probably give additional information about the Brooklyn Bridge. The Brooklyn Bridge was one of the oldest bridge in the United States. After it opened, it named New York and Brooklyn Bridge but because of much people regarded this bridge by Brooklyn Bridge, then peoples more familiar with Brooklyn Bridge and then the goverment formally gave named Brooklyn Bridge in 1915. This following are the facts about Brooklyn Bridge, such as:

Facts about The Brooklyn Bridge 1 : Become an Icon in New York City

This bridge was the biggest from others when it firstly made. That’s why peoples regarded this bridge as the most great bridge. Because the located is in New York, then the Brooklyn Bridge had become the icon of New York City. Also it was designated a National Historical Landmark in 1964 and a National Historic Civil Engineering in 1972.

Facts about the Brooklyn Bridge 2 : Fund on Building the Bridge

Build processing on this bridge didn’t always find easy ways. In the money aspect, to paid the fund for built this bridge, New York City was rented out large vaults under the bridge’s Manhattan anchorage as a effort to fund the bridge built processed.


Facts about The Brooklyn Bridge 3 : Roebling as Designer had a Serious Disease during Built Process

Roebling has a injury crush, his foot was pinned by ferry so the foot must be amputated. Not only that, he had a tetanus too. So that he could only watched the constrution from the window of his apartment. But, with that condition, Roebling still had capability to built a bridge that will gave much luck for many people.

Facts about the Brooklyn Bridge 4 : On First Day Opened, Cros by Much People

On the first day it opened, 1,800 vehicles and 150,300 people crossed the bridge. That was the first time when Manhattan ad Brooklyn could be reached with an easy way. So that, much people had a big curious and paid their attention on the first day opened.


Facts about the Brooklyn Bridge 5 : Cost in Built the Brooklyn Bridge

The bridge’s main span over the East River is 1,595 feet and 6 inches (486,3 m). Cost that paid on built this bridge was US $15.5 million in 1883 dollar, if calculated with the present kurs can be estimated around US $ 379,661,000. The cost was to high and on the built process of the bridge it caused 27 people died.

Facts about the Brooklyn Bridge 6 : Rumors about the Bridge

On May 30, 1883, only six days after the bridge opened for public, spread rumors that the Bridge had collapse because of stampede and there were twelve people crushed and killed. And many rumors that took target on bridge so that the image on the bridge become worse. May 17, 1884, P. T. Barnum helped to gave evidence about the bridge stability by held an elephant circus across the bridge.


Facts about the Brooklyn Bridge 7 : Had a Landmark

After it opened, the Brooklyn Bridge became a longest suspension bridge in the world, it 50% longer than any previously built.  So that it became a treasure landmark. In 1980, there was addition on the night features, so that the bridge strong and also beautiful.

Facts about the Brooklyn Bridge 8 : Renovation

The bridge has long age, so that the renovation will going to be attention. Condition can be changed immediately so that preventive ways is the best plan to avoided the brokeness. The renovation when the rating of bridge shows that it poor, and renovation will be over at 2015.


Facts about the Brooklyn Bridge 9 : The Bridge used as References

The detailed of construction Brooklyn Bridge could be found out in The Great Bridge which printed on 1972 by David McCullogh and Brooklyn Bridge. Those books totally gave much information about the bridge.

Facts about the Brooklyn Bridge 10 : The Bridge appear on TV Serial

In the beginning, the bridge used to make a documentary film. It’s all because the Brooklyn Bridge was so well known on all around the world. Then slowly, there’s much TV show that tooks Brooklyn Bridge as the setting place. One of these TV show is BBC docudrama series with accompanying book.



Those are the facts about the Brooklyn Bridge. Hope that the informations about facts of The Brooklyn Bridge become an additional reading to you.

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