10 Interesting Deforestation Facts

If you know a lot about the deforestation facts, you may realize that many people are not aware on their natural environment. Forest is an important area used to keep the ecosystem in balance. It is a place for the trees as well as the animals to live. There are many deforestation facts that you should know, but in this post, I will present 10 of them.

1.effect of deforestation

Let’s begin the deforestation facts with its dangerous effect. Cutting the trees is in a great number definitely will bring negative effects to the earth. Some of them may include the decrease of oxygen production, global warming, biosphere imbalance, and greenhouse effect.

Deforestation facts: Effect of deforestation

Deforestation facts: Effect of deforestation


2.Deforestation pace

If the people who always cut the trees do not aware with the danger of their action, the biodiversity in this world will be reduced time by time. It is presented in a certain statistic that the deforestation pace is increasing. In 2030, the scientists estimate that the biodiversity in Amazon is only left for about 10 per cent of the total.

Deforestation facts: Deforestation pace

Deforestation facts: Deforestation pace


3.Deforestation reason

There are some reasons that make the irresponsible people in this world do this negative activity. Some of them are because of the expansion for housing, agricultural area, industry and also for farming.

Deforestation facts: Deforestation reason

Deforestation facts: Deforestation reason


4.Water cycle effect

Now we come to the fourth aspect of deforestation facts. The cycle of the world water source is also affected by deforestation activity. You may see that dry climate is a common thing when deforestation occurs. Thus, the atmosphere also becomes parched.

Deforestation facts: Water cycle effect

Deforestation facts: Water cycle effect


5.Deforestation in green tropical forest

The deforestation in green tropical forest done by human being has trimmed more than 8.5 million hectares of land. Some people think that urbanization is great thing to do but it actually worsen the level of the deforestation itself since a large are of forest will be shaved to make a house.

Deforestation facts: Deforestation in green tropical forest

Deforestation facts: Deforestation in green tropical forest


6.Function of trees

If the deforestation occurs continuously, there will be some many trees cut, and we will lose its benefits. One of the benefits of having forest is preventing any landslide. Furthermore, it can make the soil productive.

Deforestation facts: Function of trees

Deforestation facts: Function of trees


7.Deforestation is some countries

The development of industry in some countries has led to a number of deforestation to occur. More than 90 per cent for the forest in Brazil has been shaved to accommodate the need, while in Nigeria the level comes in 81 per cent.

Deforestation facts: Deforestation in some countries

Deforestation facts: Deforestation in some countries


8.Deforestation impact in soil

Deforestation definitely affects not only the water cycle but also the soil. Since the quality of the soil is lessened, you may see that it cannot prevent any flood or even erosion for the surface of the ground becomes shallow.

Deforestation facts: Deforestation impact in soil

Deforestation facts: Deforestation impact in soil



Based on the deforestation facts, you may see that the living animals like tiger, lion, elephant and insect have lost their place of living. We may also lose so many sources of important medicines derived from the herbs and also plants found in the forest.

Deforestation facts: Biodiversity

Deforestation facts: Biodiversity


10.Importance of wood

Wood is gained from the tree that we use to accommodate the need for housing. You may see that human being is so dependent on the wood which leads them to cut many trees every single year.

Deforestation facts: Importance of wood

Deforestation facts: Importance of wood


Based on the facts about deforestation, have you realized the importance of preserving the forest?

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