10 Interesting Facts about Left Handed

The left handed facts below offer diverse information related to such condition. You will realize something that you have not known before. It is stated that the rate of being right left handed is higher in men compared to women.  In the world, the people were born in left handed condition is around 10 up to 12 per cent. If you want know more about the left handed facts, stay tuned with me!

1.Left hander

Throughout the history, the left handed condition is considered as something nasty, rebellion, homosexuality, neurosis and also a mark of a devil. All of the qualities are negative. However, you may see positive values for it is considered as great level of musical capability and creativity.

Left handed facts: Left hander

Left handed facts: Left hander


2.Left word

Left is derived from the Anglo Saxon word of lyft. The meaning of this word is broken or weak. If you search the word left handed in dictionary, you will find several meanings. Some of them are ambiguous, defective, awkward, crippled and many more.

Left handed facts: Brain

Left handed facts: Brain

3.Left-Hander’s Day

It seems that the left handed people are discriminated in this right handed world. The awareness for equality is reflected through the left hander’s day on 13th August. The first celebration was conducted in 1992.

Left handed facts: charles darwin

Left handed facts: charles darwin

4.life expectancy

The fourth point of the left handed facts tells you about the life expectancy of the left handed people. It can be stated based on some sources that the life expectancy of the left handed people is nine years shorter if you compare it with the right handed people.

Left handed facts: confesion

Left handed facts: confesion


The left handedness is considered as something bad and awful. The left handed people often face discrimination in the society, religious and educational institution. These left handed people have to struggle hard to be accepted as part of a community.

Left handed facts: Einstein

Left handed facts: Einstein

6.left handed children

The sixth point of the left-handed fact tells you about the left handed children. The ratio of having left handed children is bigger for the mother who gives birth in the age of more than 40 years old. The ratio is up to 128 per cent compared to the women in 20s.

Left handed facts: herbet hoover

Left handed facts: herbet hoover

7. Left handed in some culture

Most of the countries in the world considered left handed as bad and terrible. You can see from the meaning attached to this word. In Russian, the left handed person is called as levja. It means insult. The Italian word for left hander is mancino. It means deceitful, crooked, and dishonest.

Left handed facts: isaac newton

Left handed facts: isaac newton

8.Herbert Hoover

The seventh point of the left handed facts gives information about Herbert Hoover. This man was considered as the first left handed president.There are some famous left handed people that you probably have known before. Those are Osama Bin Laden, Boston Strangler and Jack the Ripper.

Left handed facts: Logo

Left handed facts: Logo


It seems that the Eskimo people had difference view about left handedness. The community considers that the left hander can be a great sorcerer. Conversely, the left handed people who live in Morocco are considered as cursed person and devil.

Left handed facts: oprah

Left handed facts: oprah

10.great left handed figure

St. Lawrence University located in New York has conducted a study related to the IQ of left handed people. The result is surprising. It is stated that the left handed person’s IQ is higher than the right handed people. You may need to know some popular left handed figures. Like Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, and Charles Darwin.

Left handed facts: writing

Left handed facts: writing

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