Let’s have fun by discussing about Belgium facts. Belgium is one of the smallest countries in Europe. Even though the area is small, it has bundles of wonderful cuisines to offer for the people. Some of them include French fries, chocolate and waffle. If you like to enjoy the country feeling by tasting a cup of hot Belgian chocolate, you may come here. Let me show you more Belgium facts so that you will be interested more on this tiny country.
1.official languages
Most countries in the world will use one official language. This country is on the contrary. It has three official languages. Most people living here speak Flemish. The second and the third languages are French and German.
2.Belgian Chocolates
The second point of Belgium facts is about the enticing food. The famous one is Belgian chocolate. Each year, this country produces 220,000 tons of chocolate. In other word, people consume 61 grams of chocolate every day.
3.A country without Government
The next fact is totally surprising. This country does not have any government. Even though it seems terrifying, everything is just great in Belgium. The one in charge to run the country now is a caretaker government.
4.Royal Palace of Brussels
Just like United Kingdom, this country also has a royal palace of Brussels. It is fifty per cent longer the Buckingham Palace even though the UK palace is more popular.
The people who like to get the finest diamonds in the world may go this country. It is considered as the main diamond center in the world. Belgium is also called as the second biggest petrochemical center. There are more than 90 per cent of diamonds being polished, negotiated and distributed here.
6.Education Law
Belgium is one of the highest countries with its educational law. It is compulsory for the citizens to complete their education until they are 18 years old. There is no need to be surprised when you find out that the people here have high quality of education.
7.Belgian Waffles
If you come to Belgium, you should never forget to consume the Belgian waffles. There are three main waffles that you can pick. Those may include Brussels waffles, Liege waffles, and Galettes. All of them are different based on the texture, shape, size and taste.
8.Heart of Europe
The capital city of Belgium is Brussels. The city is important as the heart of Europe. It is a location where the base of NATO as well as capital of European Union (EU) takes place. Therefore, Brussels is an important city in Europe.
9.Belgian Frites
If you think that the first French fries were from France, you are so wrong. The Belgian Frites are tasty for you need to eat them with mayonnaise. The French fries today are served by using ketchup. For the taste, I prefer the Belgian one for it is much better.
10.Quality of Education
The last point of Belgium facts is about quality of education. UNICEF states that Belgium is one of the best countries with wonderful education level and quality. It seems that the citizens of Belgium are lucky enough.
What do you think about the facts about Belgium?
belgium is a nice country!!! i love it!!!!
Just FYI, the picture with the note, Belgium facts: Brugge, is actually in Ghent. Both are must see cities when you visit Belgium though. As is Antwerp, imho.
Now, we do have a government. In fact, we always had but for 541 days we didn’t have federal government because of issues between flemish and walloons.
I love Belgium! Especially Brussels!
i want to visit some day i want some waffels
I love WAFFLESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0
the country has lots of niggers and kids 😉