10 Interesting Facts about the Byzantine Empire

Those are the following facts about The Byzantine Empire which probably give you some information about it. Byzantine Empire was known as the Eastern Roman Empire. It lived in Constatinople, later Byzantium and now it is famous with Istanbul. It became one of the greatest empires of all times. In its period, the empire also became the most powerful economic, cultural, and military force in Europe. Started from 4th to 6th centuries Roman empire’s west and east were divided. The facts of Byzantine empire will be shown here.

Facts about The Byzantine Empire 1 : History of Byzantine Empire

The Roman army was successful in combining many territories; Mediterranean region and coastal region in southwestern Europe and North Africa. It became region to many cultural group populations. The development of Medeterranean was more develop than the western.

Facts about The Byzantine Empire 2 : Division of Roman Empire

Although, the territories administrative were divided, they were involved in labour division between East and West. Every division has power sharing. Though, the co-emperors saw each other as rivals.

Facts 2 Byzantine Eagles

Facts about The Byzantine Empire 3 : Recentralisation

In 330, Constantine moved from seat of Empire to Constantinople. Moving to a strategic city, located on the trade routes between Europe and Asia. When Constantine moved to Constantinople, they introduced important changes into Empire’s military, monetary, civil, and religious institutions.

Facts about The Byzantine Empire 4 : Economy

Byzantine economy was the most advance in Europe for manya centuries. Constantinople became prime in trading network across Eurasia and North Africa. Until the first half of sixth century, Byzantine was still survive in economy.

Facts 4 Byzantine Colonies

Facts about The Byzantine Empire 5 : Religion

The religion of the Empire was Christian. Following the pattern set by Eusebius of Caesarea, the Byzantinesviewed the Emperor as a messenger of Christ. As Cyril Mangopointed out, the Byzantine political thinking can be summarized in the mottoistian “One God, one empire, one religion”.

Facts about The Byzantine Empire 6 : Literature

Two to three thousand volumes of Byzantine literature that survive only three hundred and thirty. It consists of secular poetry, history, science, and pseudo-science. The religious literature is the most flourishing during 9th to 12th century. Its religious literature for instance sermons, liturgical books and poetry, theology, devotional treatises, etc.

Facts 6 Paris Psaulter

Facts about The Byzantine Empire 7 : Music

The ecclestical forms of Byzantine music composed to Greek as ceremonial, festival, or church music. Today became the most well-known forms. Greek and foreign historians agreed that the ecclesiastical tones of Byzantine music is related to the ancient Greek system.

Facts about The Byzantine Empire 8 : Language

Greek had become the common language in Christian Church. It became lingua franca that its function for trade between provinces and with other nations. This language gained dual nature with primary spoken language, developing vernacular Koine (eventually evolving into demotic Greek). Then, an older literary language with Koine envolved into the standard dialect.

Facts 8 Language

Facts about The Byzantine Empire 9 : Science

The Byzantine science was connected with ancient philosophy and metaphysics. Although at various time the Byzantines made magnificent achievements in science. After 6th century, Byzantine scholars made few novel contribution to science.

Facts about The Byzantine Empire 10 : Legacy

Following Ottoman Turks in 1453, the Ottoman Turkish equivalent of Caesar of Romesince he was determined to make Ottoman Empire the heir of the Eastern Roman Empire. According to Cameron, regarding themselves as “heirs” of Byzantium.

Facts 10 King David

Those are the following facts about The Byzantine Empire. Hopefully those facts give you additional information on your read.

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