10 Interesting Facts about John F Kennedy

Let’s learn about the famous people by reading the John F Kennedy facts below. This man was the president of US. He passed away after he got shoot. Kennedy is an interesting figure to talk about. This man had fast reading speed. He could read 1200 words within a minute. Kennedy loved to smoke H. Upmann Petite Corona as his favorite cigar. Now let’s see the following list for more information about him.

1.Youngest president

This man is considered as the youngest president in US. He was elected in the age of 43. Unfortunately, he is also the youngest president who passed away. Before he passed away, this man told her wife, Jack and his friend that it would be easy to shoot him in a crowded place.

John F Kennedy facts: Duty

John F Kennedy facts: Duty


2.Early life

John F Kennedy is very notorious figure. The F letter on his name stands for Fitzgerald. This man was born on Boston. His father worked as an ambassador for England. Kennedy passed away before his parents died. However, his brother died in World War II.

John F Kennedy facts: JFK Speech

John F Kennedy facts: JFK Speech


3.US Navy

Before Kennedy was a president of Unites States, this man took part in the Unites States navy in World War II. For Kennedy, this experience was memorable especially he had to serve PT boat 109. Thus, he wrote this event in a book.

John F Kennedy facts: Assasination

John F Kennedy facts: Assasination


4.Lee Harvey Oswald

The fourth thing of John F. Kennedy facts is about Lee Harvey Oswald. This is the man who fired Kennedy in the crowd. The assassination occurred on 23rd November 1963. Kennedy then was buried on Arlington National cemetery.

John F Kennedy facts: Lee Harvey Oswald

John F Kennedy facts: Lee Harvey Oswald



John F. Kennedy married to Jackie. They have three children. However, the baby Patrick could not make it. He died as soon as he was born to earth. Another child named as John passed away in a plane accident.

John F Kennedy facts: Funeral

John F Kennedy facts: Funeral



John F. Kennedy loved literature. He liked to tell anecdotes and stories. He was a fan of literature like poetry and prose. Some of his favorite poems included Rendezvous with Death written during WWI and Ulysses written.

John F Kennedy facts: JFK and Jackie

John F Kennedy facts: JFK and Jackie



This man concerned much with his health. There were many interesting sports that he could do in his leisure time. Some of them included sailing, swimming, football, gold, tennis, and also checker. He really loved to play those games.

John F Kennedy facts: JFK Wedding

John F Kennedy facts: JFK Wedding

8.Brooks Brothers

The eighth aspect of John F Kennedy facts is about his fashion. His favorite place when he wanted to buy the clothing items was Brooks Brothers. However, Kennedy liked to wear the clothes made from Saville Row for everyday use.

John F Kennedy facts: Brooks Brothers

John F Kennedy facts: Brooks Brothers


9.American Optical Saratoga

The ninth fact is about his accessories. American Optical Saratoga was his favorite sunglasses brand. When he was president of US, this man always used the sunglasses in any outdoor occasion.

John F Kennedy facts: American Optical Saratoga

John F Kennedy facts: American Optical Saratoga


10.Jacqueline Lee Bouvier

The last aspect of John F Kennedy facts is about his wife. Her full name is Jacqueline Lee Bouvier. They married in 12th September 1953. This man was 12 years older than his wife. Is age just a number?

John F Kennedy facts: Jacqueline Lee Bouvier

John F Kennedy facts: Jacqueline Lee Bouvier


Have you learned much related to the facts about John F Kennedy?

4 Responses to 10 Interesting Facts about John F Kennedy
  1. Person.... says:

    This really helps me in my social studies fair project!! Thanks!!

  2. Vicky says:

    This website helps me a lot on homework for English thanks bio creators

  3. kenny says:

    i think JFK was a good man no matter what i was in the 60s but i do belive so so why not coment on this thank you

  4. kenny says:

    JFK was assasinated by this man named Lee Oswald that is some bull s*** he was a good man thanks for reading i will give you more information so please contact me thanks for reading

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