10 Interesting Facts about The Democratic Republic of Congo

Those are the following facts about The Democratic Republic of Congo which probably give you informations about it. The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country which located in the Central Africa. This country is the second largest country in the Africa and the eleventh largest in the world. And here are the facts about The Democratic Republic of Congo which you need to know.

Facts about The Democratic Republic of Congo 1 : Its Borders

This country has the borders which surround around the country. In north are the Central African Republic and South Sudan, the east are Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania. In the south are Zambia and Angola, then in the west is the Atlantic Ocean.

Facts about The Democratic Republic of Congo 2 : Populous

Congo has large on its populations. The population is over 75 million. Then also it set as the most populous officially Francophone Country. Set as the fourth most populous nation in Africa and the world is the nineteenth most populous.

Facts 2 Flag Republic of Congo

Facts 2 Flag Republic of Congo

Facts about The Democratic Republic of Congo 3 : Congolese Civil Wars

It had began on 1996. This war known as the Congolese Civil Wars. It occured in the end of Mobutu Sese Seko’s 31 year reign. Then the war damaged the country and for the mediations are involved by nine African nations, multiple groups of UN peacekeepers and twenty armed group.

Facts about The Democratic Republic of Congo 4 : Consequence of Civil War

The great war had much on consequence, espeally for the civil inhabitant. The war made death case which include on 5.4 million people since 1998. The deaths are caused by some illness such as malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia etc.

Facts 4 Congo Map

Facts 4 Congo Map

Facts about The Democratic Republic of Congo 5 : Human Development Index (HDI)

The death case which happened during the civil wars had largely into the children.  In 2013, then Congo has a low level of the Human Development Index (HDI). Its ranking is 186 of the 187 country.

Facts about The Democratic Republic of Congo 6 : The Natural Resources

Actually, Congo has a large amount on its natural resources but this country still not has signs to get on good progression. But the human resources are not well so that it has lack of infrastructure, has large on corruption case, etc. Then the natural potential still can’t be explore.

Facts 6 Congo Belge Campagne

Facts 6 Congo Belge Campagne

Facts about The Democratic Republic of Congo 7 : Geography

This country is located between latitudes 60 N and 140 S, and longitudes 120 and 320 E. It near to the equator, with one-third to the North and two-thirds to the South. It influenced on its rich natural resources.

Facts about The Democratic Republic of Congo 8 : Flora and Fauna

Congo has rainforests which inside this forest contain much of biodiversity. The biodiversity include on many rare and endemic species, such as common chimpanze and the bonobo. Then it has national parks which has much of flora and fauna. The biodiversity on its forest include to the World Heritage Site of the world.

Facts 8 Salonga National Park

Facts 8 Salonga National Park

Facts about The Democratic Republic of Congo 9 : Economic

The great civil wars which occured on the past time of Congo also influenced on its economic conditions. The economic are growing too bad then it caused much case of starvation and poor. Also the lack of economic cause in the national park management, which there are much animals and plants dead because of the lack operational.

Facts about The Democratic Republic of Congo 10 : Politics

The Democratic Republic of Congo has its stability on politics started in 2006. Its use the presidential democratic republic to manage its goverments.

Facts 10 Mobutu Nixon

Facts 10 Mobutu Nixon

Those are the facts about The Democratic Republic of Congo which probably give you some new informations about this country. Then hopefully that facts bring some attention from you.

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