10 Interesting Facts about The English Channel

10 Interesting Facts about The English Channel
Let me show you Facts about The English Channel which probably give you the information about it. The English Channel is the separated body water which divide southern England from northern France and it joins the North Sea in Atlantic Ocean. It’s length about 560 km and the width are in varies from 240 km. Its widest in the Strait of Dover in 33.1 km. It’s the smallest shallow seas which around the continental shelf of Europe. Then it  Read More ... »

10 Interesting Facts about The Element Sodium

10 Interesting Facts about The Element Sodium
Here are the following Facts about The Element Sodium which probably give you new information about this element then. The Element Sodium is the chemical element which has symbol Na. It also called as Natrium which has the atomic number 11. It not found in nature as metal, but it found mostly in compounds. Because this element are unstable based on its atomic number, then it stable in isotope 23Na. And here are the following facts about The Element  Read More ... »

10 Interesting Facts about The Element Oxygen

10 Interesting Facts about The Element Oxygen
Here are the following Facts about The Element Oxygen which probably give you the new information about this element. The Element Oxygen is a chemical element which has symbol O and has atomic number 8. It is the member of chalcogen group and the reactive non metal. It is readily forms compounds in most element, not build as the single atom. Then, these are the following facts about The Element Oxygen which need you to know below. Facts about The  Read More ... »

10 Interesting Facts about the Element Zinc

10 Interesting Facts about the Element Zinc
These following facts about The Element Zinc might give you some information which you need to know. Zinc is a chemical element which has five stable isotopes. It is the 24th most abundant element in Earth’s crust. This first element of group 12 of the periodic table also known as spelter in commerce. For further information, check the lists about Zinc below. Facts about the Element Zinc 1: Naming In the 16th century, Paracelsus is probably the  Read More ... »

10 Interesting Facts about The Element Silver

10 Interesting Facts about The Element Silver
These are the following facts about The Element Silver. What pop up in your mind when you heard the word silver? A beautiful ring and necklace? Or the second most popular material to make jewel after gold? Silver has long been valued as a precious metal. It is common used in currency coins, solar panels, water filtration, jewelry and ornaments, high-value tableware and utensils. To know more about silver, check the detail list below: Facts  Read More ... »

10 Interesting Facts about the Element Titanium

10 Interesting Facts about the Element Titanium
In this article, we will talk about the interesting facts about the Element Titanium. Titanium is a kind of chemical element which is highly resistant to corrosion. It is a silver lustrous transition metal which has low density and high strength. To know more facts about Titanium check the list below. Facts about the Element Titanium 1: Physical Properties Titanium is paramagnetic and has fairly low electrical and thermal conductivity. It has high  Read More ... »

10 Interesting Facts about The Element Lithium

10 Interesting Facts about The Element Lithium
Here are the following Facts about The Element Lithium which probably give you new information about this element. The Element Lithium is one of the atomic which has atomic number 3. Then, the symbol of this element is Li. It is the one of the chemical element of the periodic table, which also has the character to makes it look different than others. These are the following facts about The Element Lithium which you need to know below. Facts about  Read More ... »

10 Interesting Facts about The Element Lead

10 Interesting Facts about The Element Lead
Here are the following Facts about The Element Lead which probably give you information about this element. The Element Lead is one of the carbon group which has symbol Pb and in Latin called plumbum. The atomic number is 82. And it is the chemical element. Then, here are the following facts about The Element Lead which need you to know. Facts about The Element Lead 1 : Appearance It is a bright and silvery metal which has very slight shade of blue  Read More ... »

10 Interesting Facts about the Element Neon

10 Interesting Facts about the Element Neon
This article will discuss about some interesting facts about the Element Neon which are related to Neon. Neon is kind of a chemical element which has atomic number 10. Based on the element category in the periodic table, it belongs to noble gases. It is a colorless, odorless, inert monatomic gas under standard conditions, with about two-thirds the density of air. Below are the following facts about Neon. Facts about the Element Neon 1: Etymology The  Read More ... »

10 Interesting Facts about the Element Nickel

10 Interesting Facts about the Element Nickel
These following facts about the Element Nickel might give you some information which you need to know. Nickel is a type of a chemical element which has atomic number 28. This is a silvery-white lustrous metal with a slight golden tinge. Below are the detail lists about nickel. Facts about the Element Nickel 1: History The used of nickel in the past can be found in Chinese manuscripts suggesting that “white copper” (cupronickel, known  Read More ... »