10 Interesting Facts about M.C Escher

These following facts about M.C Escher should definitely expand your knowledge about him. As some people know, M.C Escher was a Dutch graphic artist. He is know for his often mathematically inspired woodcuts, lithographs and mezzotints. These feature impossible constructions, explorations of infinity, architecture and tessellations. To get to know more about him, here are the other facts about M.C Escher you may consider interesting.

Facts about M.C Escher 1: Birth

M.C Escher was born in Leeuwarden, Holland, on June 17, 1898, to George Arnold Escher and Sarah Gleichman Escher.

Facts about M.C Escher 2: Childhood Sickness

M.C. Escher suffered from a variety of illnesses as a child. The illnesses were bad enough that he had to be moved to the seaside town of Zandvoort as child in order to improve his health.

Facts about M.C-Escher - M.C Escher

Facts about M.C-Escher – M.C Escher

Facts about M.C Escher 3: Architecture

In 1919, Escher enrolled in the School for Architecture and Decorative Arts in Haarlem with the intent of becoming an architect. Although his focus would soon shift to art, Escher remained fascinated with architecture throughout his life.

Facts about M.C Escher 4: Jetta Umiker

Escher met Jetta Umiker, his wife, during his travel around Italy in 1923. In 1924, the two were married and moved to Rome to raise a family.

Facts about M.C Escher - Painting

Facts about M.C Escher – Painting

Facts about M.C Escher 5: George Escher

George Escher was the first son of M.C. and Jetta. He was born in late July of 1926. M.C. Escher’s fame was such at this time that King Emmanuel and Mussolini attended George’s christening.

Facts about M.C Escher 6: Realism

Although Escher’s work with strange geometry and mathematical impossibilities are his most famous works, he also made several realistic art pieces early in his career. Much of this work was inspired by his time living and travelling through Italy. Even in these early pieces, Escher’s interest in perspective is evident.

Facts about M.C Escher - Painting "Eye"

Facts about M.C Escher – Painting “Eye”

Facts about M.C Escher 7: Mental Imagery

Escher used the term mental imagery to describe the seemingly impossible art that he began making in the mid 1930s. This change in artistic direction coincides with Escher moving his family out of Italy in 1935.

Facts about M.C Escher 8: Knighthood

On April 27, 1955, Escher was knighted in the name of Queen Juliana of the Dutch royal house.

Facts about M.C Escher - Painting "Swans"

Facts about M.C Escher – Painting “Swans”

Facts about M.C Escher 9: Lectures

Throughout the 1950s and the 1960s, Escher gave many lectures at renowned universities worldwide. Some of these essays have found their way into print form over the years in books such as “Escher on Escher.”

Facts about M.C Escher 10: Death

M.C Escher died at the age of 73 on March 27, 1972. He died of cancer.

Facts about M.C Escher - Painting "Swans"

Facts about M.C Escher – Painting “Swans”

Through his work collections, you may able to enjoy Escher’s other works and how he had an inspiration during doing art activity. Those mentioned facts are only a little part of M.C Escher’s life to support and appreciate literature in his life. Hope you found those M.C Escher facts interesting and useful.

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